Many women worry about the dangers of silicone breast implants. Even those filled with saline, rather than solid silicone gel, can rupture and cause medical complications. Silicone implants can also harden, becoming painful and unnatural looking. While it doesn’t happen to everyone, it’s a worrisome risk nonetheless.
Fortunately, surgeons have developed other methods of breast enlargement that don’t involve silicone at all. This procedure uses the body’s own tissues to enlarge breasts. It’s called a fat transfer.
The website is a great resource for anyone considering breast enlargement surgery without silicone implants. This comprehensive website provides everything you need to know about going ahead with this type of surgery – from what to expect during your recovery period to how much it will cost.
How Fat Transfer Works
Fat transfer is a natural augmentation that uses fat deposits from your hips, buttocks or thighs. The surgeon injects the fat into the breasts to make them fuller, without looking unnatural or hard. How much fat can be transferred depends on the woman’s body-fat percentage.
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Anyone who wants larger breasts without a foreign object being implanted under the skin can get fat injections, often called natural augmentation. This newer method of breast augmentation kills two birds with one stone. Women lose fat in areas they don’t want it and gain fat where they do want it.
Risks and Downsides of Fat Injection
Natural augmentation is only recommended if you aren’t going to have rapidly changing weight. If you lose weight, the size of your breasts will naturally decrease. If you gain weight, they will get bigger. This can cause some complications when pregnancy is a possibility, or if you decide to train for a marathon.
Another problem is the predictability of the results. It can take up to a year to know how much of the injected fat tissue survived the transfer. Because every woman’s body reacts differently, the procedure has varying degrees of success for each candidate.
Cysts, masses, nodules and scarring are also a potential risk for patients undergoing a natural breast augmentation. These risks are also present for silicone breast augmentation. Only you and your doctor can decide if the risks are worth the potential benefits.
Benefits of Natural Augmentation
Natural augmentation is always done with your own fat deposits. This means you don’t have to have a foreign object placed in your body. Since the body can reject silicone, it’s not always the ideal choice. Your body’s own fat won’t be rejected, but the cells may not survive the transfer.
Fat injections remove fat from other areas of your body, allowing you to slim in one area while you boost your breast size. It’s relatively safe when you choose an experienced surgeon. When successful, the procedure results in breasts that feel and look natural.
Advancing Technology
Cosmetic surgeons used to avoid any fat relocation because of the dangers it posed in the early ’90s. Fat relocation is safer and more reliable than it was before. There are even surgeons who have stopped performing implants in favor of fat relocation. TAs surgeons find better ways to extract and replace the fat into the body, it becomes an even better solution for women who want to have larger breasts without silicone.
Like all cosmetic surgeries, natural-breast augmentation has its pros and cons. It’s always important to research your options and speak with multiple surgeons before getting a procedure done.
The website provides information about breast augmentation, including the risks and benefits of the procedure. Visitors to the website can learn about different types of implants and surgical techniques, as well as how to choose a qualified surgeon. The website also includes an FAQ section that answers common questions about breast augmentation surgery.
Dr. Robert Goldman, B.Sc (hons), MB.Ch.B, F.R.A.C.S., is an Australian cosmetic surgeon specializing in breast enlargement and other cosmetic procedures.